Gel nail polish has become increasingly popular in recent years because it lasts much longer than regular nail polish and maintains its lovely shiny coat. However, removing it can be quite a hassle, there are several methods to choose from soaking your nails in acetone or using a gel nail polish remover, but these methods can be harsh on your nails and skin and can also be expensive. In this article, we’ll explore why you might want to start removing gel nail polish with sugar and provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to do so. 

Why Use Sugar to Remove Gel Nail Polish?

Using sugar to remove gel nail polish has become a popular alternative to acetone and harsh chemicals that might affect your skin, the biggest organ of your body! Here are some reasons why you might want to try this method: 

It’s Natural and Gentle

Sugar is a natural and gentle ingredient that won’t harm your nails or skin. Remember that your skin is the biggest organ of your body and when you soak your nails in acetone, your skin is absorbing what it is being exposed to. Also, unlike acetone or gel nail polish removers, sugar won’t dry out your nails or cause any irritation. 

It’s Affordable

Sugar is a common household item that you can find in your kitchen pantry. The amount of acetone you need to remove from just one gel manicure is more than you might think and can fill your house with the smell of acetone which leads to other problems. Using sugar means that you won’t need to spend money on expensive nail polish removers or salon visits. 

It’s Easy To Use

Removing gel nail polish with sugar is a straightforward process that doesn’t require any special tools or experience. All you need is sugar, aluminum foil, and a few other items that you already have at home. 

It’s Effective

Sugar is an effective ingredient that can help break down the gel nail polish and lift it off your nails. With a little patience and the right technique, you can achieve the same results as you would with other methods. 

Overall, it’s a great alternative to acetone because it’s natural, affordable and still effective that can save you time and money whilst keeping your nails healthy and strong. 

Okay! Now that you’re convinced that sugar is a great alternative to acetone and other nail polish removers, let’s get started with actually removing our nail polish with sugar. 

What You Will Need To Remove Gel Nail Polish With Sugar

There are a few essential items that you will need for this that can easily be found in a nail manicure lovers house: 

  • Granulated sugar
  • Aluminum foil
  • Nail file or buffer
  • A cuticle pusher or orange stick
  • Cotton Balls or Cotton Pads

Optional items: 

  • Moisturizer or cuticle oil
  • Acetone or nail polish remover 

How to Remove Gel Nail Polish with Sugar: Step-By-Step

Now that you have all the necessary items, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide on how to remove gel nail polish with sugar.

Step 1: Prep Your Nails

Start by removing any excess nail polish on the surface of your nails with a nail file or buffer. This step is crucial because removing the top coat of the gel polish will help the sugar mixture to penetrate the gel nail polish more effectively. Once you have buffed your nails, use a cuticle pusher or orange stick to push back your cuticles gently.

Step 2: Make the Sugar Mixture

Mix sugar and water in a ratio of 2:1, for example, two tablespoons of granulated sugar with one tablespoon of water, and make as much as you think you might need. Stir the mixture until the sugar has dissolved completely. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mix for a pleasant fragrance, think of it as a spa session for yourself!

Step 3: Apply the Sugar Mixture to Your Nails

Dip the cotton ball or pad into the sugar mixture and cover your nails with it, ensuring to cover the entire surface. Be generous, this isn’t chemicals after all! Once you applied the mixture, wrap each nail with a small piece of aluminum foil, ensuring that you have wrapped it tightly to create a seal so that the sugar mixture does not evaporate. 

Step 4: Let the Mixture Sit

The sugar mixture should only take about 10 to 15 minutes to penetrate the nail polish. During this time, sit back and relax, watch TV, or do anything you enjoy that does not require you to use your hands or that would interfere with the aluminum foil seal. 

Step 5: Remove the Foil and Gel Nail Polish

After 10 to 15 minutes, remove the aluminum foil wraps from your nails and you should see that the gel nail polish has started to lift from your nails. Use a cuticle pusher or orange stick to gently push the gel nail polish off your nails. If it does not come off easily, you could use a nail file or buffer to help to remove it. However, if it is really stubborn, go back to step 3 and reapply the sugar mixture, and let the sugar penetrate the polish more. Repeat until the nail polish is gone. 

Step 6: Cleanse Your Nails

Once you have removed all the gel nail polish, you could use a cotton ball or pad with acetone or nail polish remover to cleanse your nails thoroughly. This step will help remove any remaining gel nail polish or sugar residue from your nails. Or if you really are trying to avoid chemicals, wash your hands with some warm water and the sugar residue should slide right off. 

Step 7: Moisturize Your Nails

After removing the gel nail polish, it’s essential to moisturize your nails and cuticles. Cuticle oil is a great moisturizer, or you can moisturize your hands with anything you see fit to keep your nails healthy and prevent them from becoming dry. 

Helpful Tips To Keep In Mind When Using Sugar to Remove Gel Nail Polish

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when removing gel nail polish with sugar: 

  • If you have sensitive skin, ensure to test the sugar mixture on a small area of your skin before applying. 
  • To make the process even more effective, add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to the sugar mixture. These acidic ingredients will help break down the gel nail polish faster, and yet they are still natural and much healthier than applying acetone. 
  • If you don’t have aluminum foil, you could use plastic wrap instead. 
  • Be patient and gentle when removing the gel nail polish. Don’t force the gel nail polish off your nails because this can lead to damaging your nail bed and peeling or cracking of your nails. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Sugar to Remove Gel Nail Polish

While using sugar to remove gel nail polish is a pretty straightforward process, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid to get the best results. Here are some mistakes to watch out for: 

  1. Using too much sugar

This can make it difficult to remove the aluminum foil wraps and make the process messier. I recommend sticking to the recommended amount of two tablespoons of sugar and one tablespoon of water. Always remember the ratio is 2:1!

  1. Not wrapping the foil tightly enough

The point of wrapping the foil tightly is to create a seal that prevents the sugar mixture to evaporate and in turn, makes the penetration of the gel nail polish more effective. 

  1. Not leaving the foil wraps on long enough

Some people they may find that 10 to 15 minutes is long enough to allow the sugar mixture to break down the gel nail polish effectively. However, others, prefer to leave the mixture on for longer, up to 30 minutes. Because this is a sugar mixture it is okay to leave it on longer since it does not do any harm to your skin. 


Is it safe to remove gel nail polish with sugar? 

Yes, it is safe to remove gel nail polish with sugar, as long as you follow the instructions carefully and ensure to be gentle while removing it so that you don’t destroy your nail bed. 

Can I use brown sugar instead of granulated sugar? 

Both types of sugar will have the same effect on gel nail polish. However brown sugar does have molasses which is acidic and may help speed up the process of breaking down the gel nail polish.

How often can I remove gel nail polish with sugar?

You can remove gel nail polish with sugar as often as you like, as it is a natural and gentle method that won’t damage your nails. However, it’s essential to moisturize your nails after each removal to keep them healthy.


Removing gel nail polish with sugar is a natural and affordable method that can save you time and money. With our step-by-step guide and helpful tips, you can easily do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. Plus, you’ll save money and avoid any damage to your nails. Enjoy beautiful, healthy nails, without the hassle, and have fun trying out this natural and affordable method!

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