Suffering from acne breakouts can drive us to do many things and try anything that others said has worked. because our skin is unique and we need to figure out our own custom routine. 

With the latest influx of cold bath videos on Tiktok and Instagram, many people have been tooting the benefits of cold showers for acne, but does it really work? 

Why would you take a cold shower instead of washing your face with cold water?

Taking a cold shower and washing your face with cold water may seem like similar ways to improve your skin health, but there are huge differences. While washing your face with cold water can help to reduce inflammation and soothe the skin, taking a cold shower can provide additional benefits for the rest of your body that in turn can help soothe acne.

Cold showers can help to boost the immune system, improve blood circulation, and promote healing, among other things. Additionally, cold showers can help to reduce muscle soreness, increase energy, and improve sleep quality. So, if you’re looking to improve your overall health, as well as your skin, a cold shower may be the way to go. However, if you’re short on time or just want to refresh your face, washing your face with cold water can still provide some benefits.

The 11 Benefits Of Cold Showers For Acne

Reduces Inflammation

Cold water constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the affected area, like putting a soothing balm on a sunburn. It can also help to reduce the appearance of redness and swelling, making acne less noticeable. 

Stimulates Blood Circulation

Have you ever taken a cold shower and felt a rush of energy afterward? That’s because cold water can stimulate blood circulation, which can promote the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skin. It’s like a wake-up call for your body, invigorating and refreshing. And the best part? Improved blood circulation can help to reduce the appearance of acne, making your skin look brighter and healthier.

Promotes Healing

By reducing inflammation and stimulating blood circulation, it provides the perfect environment for your skin cells to heal themselves. When we are fighting acne, our skin is constantly having to heal itself be it acne scars or fresh wounds, these conditions help to promote the growth of new skin cells. 

Helps Regulate Oil Production

Excess oil production is a common cause of acne, as it can clog pores and contribute to the growth of bacteria on the skin. Cold showers can help to regulate oil production by constricting the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for producing oil. This can help to reduce the amount of oil on the skin and prevent clogged pores.

Relieves Itching

Acne can be itchy, and scratching it can make it worse. It’s like a never-ending cycle of temptation and regret. Taking a cold shower is like a cold blast of winter air, numbing the itchiness away. It’s like being wrapped in a cozy blanket on a cold day, feeling comfortable and at ease. Scratching acne can exacerbate the problem and further inflammation so taking a cold shower is like putting a bandaid on it. 

Cleanses the Skin

Cold water has a natural cleansing effect on the skin and can be a great way to clear away dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. It’s like a mini-exfoliation, without the need for fancy scrubs or treatments. Plus, cold water helps to tighten the pores, making it harder for dirt and bacteria to enter. It’s like a natural barrier against acne, keeping your skin clean and healthy. So, the next time you’re feeling like your skin needs a good to cleanse, hop into a cold shower and let the water work its magic!

Improves Mood

Taking a cold shower can be a shock to the system, but it can also be a mood booster. Think of a rollercoaster ride, you get an adrenaline rush and sense of excitement. It will definitely wake you up in the morning, but this is because cold water increases the production of endorphins which are natural mood enhancers. It’s like a natural high, making you feel good and positive. This improved mood can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can contribute to acne.

Boosts Immune System

We all know that a healthy immune system is key to fighting off infections and illnesses, but did you know that cold showers can help to boost your immune system? Cold water can increase the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting infections and other harmful substances in the body. It’s like giving your immune system a pep talk, encouraging it to be stronger and more resilient. And the best part? Boosting your immune system can help to prevent acne by reducing the number of bacteria and other impurities that can contribute to acne. 

Improves Sleep

Cold showers can be a great remedy for those who have trouble falling asleep at night. Cool water can reduce your body temperature and promote relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Improved sleep quality can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can contribute to acne. Additionally, reduced stress levels can help to regulate hormone levels, which can also improve acne symptoms. So, if you’re feeling restless at night, try taking a cold shower before bed and let the cool water wash you.

Increases Energy

Feeling sluggish and low on energy? Cold showers can be just the pick-me-up you need! It’s like a jolt of electricity, energizing your body and mind. Cold water can increase your heart rate and oxygen intake, which can help to improve your energy levels. It’s like a natural caffeine boost, without the jitters or crashes which improves your mood, reduces stress and regulates hormone levels, all of which can contribute to acne.

Reduces Muscle Soreness

Acne isn’t the only thing that can cause discomfort. Muscle soreness can be a real pain too! But cold showers can help to alleviate sore muscles. It’s like a soothing balm, relieving your muscles of aches and pains.

Things to Keep In Mind Before Taking A Cold Shower

It Only Works As Often As You Do It

The main reason for taking cold showers is the impact it has on oil production, by constricting pores reduces one of the main reasons that cause acne, oil. However, after taking the shower, your pores are only constricted for so long before they begin to open again. So the more often you do it, the more you will see its effects.

Start Slow

Starting slowly is the best way to approach taking cold showers, if you’ve followed ice baths on Tiktok, you’ll see that people last longer and longer day by day, which is because they build a tolerance to the cold. The body works in amazing ways so don’t overdo yourself on the first day. Start slow, even a few seconds the first time will help and you can gradually build yourself up to tolerating 3 minutes in a cold shower, or as much as you feel comfortable with. 

Ensure to Moisturize After

While cold showers can provide a multitude of benefits for the skin, it’s important to remember that cold water can also be drying. It’s like a harsh winter wind, leaving your skin feeling dry and tight. Moisturizing after is very important for acne skin because you don’t want your skin to overproduce oil in an effort to moisturize itself. 


How long should cold showers be?

It is recommended to take a cold shower for 2-3 minutes to start seeing the benefits. Taking one up to 5 minutes has been shown to help relieve symptoms of depression in a clinical trial.

How often should I take cold showers? 

It is recommended to take cold showers at least 2-3 times a week to reap the benefits. The more often you do it the more you will likely see an improvement in your skin. However, consistency is key if you decide to use this method to reduce your acne. 

Final Takeaway

Taking cold showers definitely have quite a few benefits, but you would have to consistently take cold showers every week to see the fruits of your effort. It might not completely get rid of your acne, however, it can help a little. Just remember that acne does not define you and you should remember to always be confident in yourself even on this journey with acne skin.

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