Rhassoul clay and Bentonite clay are both great for hair and skincare product ingredients but what makes them different from each other and who should pick one over the other? Getting into the nitty gritty of our hair and skincare product ingredients can be overwhelming but I’m here to help you figure it out as always, easily!

Here’s The Simple Explanation:

  • Rhassoul Clay is great detox clay that is suitable for all skin types because is less abrasive than bentonite clay, yet it is also mineral rich and draws out impurities and toxins from our skin extremely well.
  • Bentonite Clay should only be used by people with highly oily complexions or oily hair because it is a highly absorbent clay that simultaneously tightens your skin. It has a stronger negative charge, meaning it has stronger detoxification than rhassoul clay but is not as mineral rich.

Benefits of Rhassoul Clay

You’d think clay is clay, meaning it just absorbs oil and is bad for dry skin but surprisingly Rhassoul Clay, (also known as Ghassoul clay, Red Moroccan clay, and Moroccan Lava clay) is not too harsh of clay and is known mainly for its mineral and detoxifying abilities. What does this mean? It means that it’s not only for people with oily skin. Other skin types can use it to enjoy the nourishing mineral benefits that Rhassoul clay has.

Here are the main benefits of using Rhassoul Clay:

  1. Detoxifying Properties: Rhassoul clay is a natural detoxifier that has a strong negative charge which helps it to easily draw out impurities and toxins which have a positive charge.
  2. Gentle Exfoliating Abilities: The clay’s fine texture gently exfoliates the skin without disrupting the skin barrier. In fact, it is softer and gentler on the skin and is one of the less abrasive clays which makes it more suitable for dry or sensitive skin types.
  3. Nourishing Minerals: Rhassoul clay is rich in minerals like silica, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and sodium, all of which nourish the skin and provide essential nutrients. These go a long way to help us in protecting our skin from environmental stressors, and our skin’s ability to repair and renew itself.
  4. Balances Skin’s Oil Production: The clay can help balance the skin’s sebum (oil) production, reducing greasiness without stripping the skin of its natural oils, which can cause dryness or irritation.
  5. Soothes Skin: Rhassoul clay has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to calm irritated skin, reduce redness, and soothe conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis.
  6. Versatility: It can be used as a facial mask, body wrap, or even as a natural shampoo to remove excess oils and build-up from the hair.
  7. Natural and Eco-Friendly: Rhassoul clay is 100% natural and eco-friendly, making it a great choice for those seeking sustainable skincare options.

Poppy Austin Rhassoul Clay 100% Pure & Natural

Benefits of Bentonite Clay

So if Rhassoul Clay is gentle, what’s the point of using bentonite clay? In fact, although Rhassoul Clay is mainly known for its detoxifying properties, Bentonite clay actually has a stronger negative charge which helps to detoxify more and is extremely absorbent, so it’s perfect for oily skin. Here is a breakdown of all the benefits of Bentonite Clay:

Stronger Detoxifying Properties

Bentonite clay has a stronger negative charge, meaning it can attract and bind to more positive ions (like toxins and impurities). This makes it a potent detoxifier, capable of extracting more impurities from the skin compared to Rhassoul clay.

High In Absorbency

Bentonite clay can absorb more water and oil, making it highly effective for extremely oily skin. It’s also beneficial in absorbing excess sebum on the scalp, making it a popular ingredient in hair masks.

Calming on the Skin

Bentonite clay has soothing properties, making it useful for calming down irritations and inflammations on the skin, including allergic reactions, insect bites, or even conditions like poison ivy.

Healing Properties

It’s known for its healing properties and can help speed up the healing process for skin issues like acne, dermatitis, and psoriasis. It has even picked up the nickname, “healing clay” because of it’s healing properties.

pH Balancing

Bentonite clay can help balance the skin’s pH level, which is important in maintaining a healthy skin barrier and preventing bacteria growth.

Rich In Minerals

While both clays are mineral-rich, Bentonite clay is especially high in silica but also contains calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Aztec Secret – Indian Healing Clay

Here’s a Tip:

Don’t leave Bentonite Clay on for too long even if you have oily skin. It absorbs oil very quickly, so make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging, or wash it off if you feel your skin is already rather dry.

If you leave clay masks on for too long it could cause wrinkles which I’m sure we would rather prevent.

Why Minerals Matter in Clay

Minerals in clays, such as silica, calcium, magnesium, and iron, play essential roles in skin health. Each mineral provides unique benefits:

Silica: Silica is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity and promoting cell regeneration. It improves the skin’s ability to retain moisture, resulting in a hydrated and plump appearance. Additionally, it aids in the production of collagen, a protein that keeps the skin looking young and wrinkle-free.

Calcium: Calcium plays a role in cell turnover and skin renewal. It contributes to the overall health of the skin by helping in the process of shedding dead skin cells and producing new ones. This ensures your skin remains fresh, bright, and youthful. Additionally, calcium helps in the production of antioxidants, which combat damage from environmental stressors like pollution and sunlight.

Magnesium: Magnesium is vital for skin health as it aids in improving skin’s overall appearance, reducing acne, and other skin disorders. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce skin redness and inflammation. Plus, magnesium is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, enhancing the skin’s ability to repair and create healthy cells.

Iron: Iron plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen in the blood, which is essential for skin health. Adequate iron levels can help your skin look more radiant and bright. Iron also aids in the production of collagen and ensures proper function of the sebaceous glands that help keep skin soft and smooth.

Conclusion: So Which is Better For You?

Choosing between Rhassoul and Bentonite clay would largely depend on your individual skin type and specific skincare needs.

Skin Type Suitability

When it comes to skin type suitability, Bentonite clay is best suited for oily and acne-prone skin, as it has a high absorption capacity and helps remove excess sebum from your skin. On the other hand, Rhassoul clay is gentler and more adaptable to various skin types, including sensitive skin. It primarily works to cleanse and detoxify your skin while maintaining its natural moisture levels.


In terms of effectiveness, both clays will draw out toxins, product buildup, and dirt from your hair and scalp. Bentonite clay, being more absorbent, is better for deep cleansing, while Rhassoul clay is known for its mild, soothing properties source. When mixed with water, Bentonite clay swells and causes its molecules to get charged, making it an effective detoxifying agent. Rhassoul clay has a more predictable swelling ability due to its constantly balanced composition.

Price and Availability

As for price and availability, Rhassoul clay tends to be pricier than Bentonite clay source. Bentonite clay is more commonly found and may be easier to source from local health stores or online retailers. Both clays are available in the form of powder, which can be easily mixed with water or other additives to create your desired consistency for masks or treatments.

In summary, when deciding between Rhassoul clay and Bentonite clay, consider factors such as your skin type, desired effects, and budget to make an informed decision.

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