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Lately, we’ve been hearing Sephora’s being overrun with preteens, kids under the age of 12, even kids being the age of 7 fascinated with Drunk Elephant and begging their parents to get their skincare products from them.

To most people, it’s mind boggling how Drunk Elephant has become the most coveted brand amongst young skincare enthusiasts. Why does this brand stand out in the sea of skincare options? And why are preteens even entering the skincare market as such a young age? Let’s discuss from a neutral standpoint and understand how this happened!

Key Takeaways

  1. Drunk Elephant’s Uniquely vibrant packaging helps it stand out from the crowd. This approach not only captures the attention of preteens but also wins the trust of their parents, making it a preferred choice in the young skincare market.
  2. Effective Use of Social Media and Community Engagement: The brand’s success among preteens is significantly bolstered by its savvy use of social media especially tiktok to create a sense off community and belonging.
  3. Drunk Elephant handles criticisms and feedback swiftly maintaining a good reputation amongst the younger demographic, reinforcing trust and loyalty.

Understanding the Preteen Market

Black And White Stripe Paper Bag

The Preteen Demographic: A Unique Audience

Preteens, typically aged between 9 and 12, are at a fascinating stage of life. They’re forming their identities, developing their own tastes, and starting to make independent choices about their interests, including skincare.

This demographic is tech-savvy, socially conscious, and heavily influenced by digital trends. They’re not just mini-adults; they have unique needs and preferences that are distinct from those of younger children and older teens.

Social Media’s Influence

In the digital age, social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are significant influencers in a preteen’s life. Tiktok, in particular, has managed to dominate generation alpha’s community, many of their peers have been seen using Drunk Elephant products.

What sets Drunk Elephant apart on social media is their interactive and engaging content. They frequently host Q&A sessions, skincare routine challenges, and fun educational content that encourages participation from their audience. This level of engagement makes preteens feel heard and connected to the brand, fostering a sense of loyalty and community.

Confirmation from the Brand themselves

After realizing that they have such a large pre-teen fandom, Drunk Elephant released a statement in December stating that,

“Yes! Many of our products are designed for all skin, including kids and tweens.”

Drunk Elephant

non-toxic skincare brand marketing

Few brands have gone as far as Drunk Elephant has in their marketing to tell the public that they are non-toxic. This likely influences parents to feel comfortable with buying their children Drunk Elephant products. This, along with confirmation from the brand that their products are designed for kids as well, reinforces with parents, kids and tweens that Drunk Elephant is the skincare brand for them.

Growing Skincare Awareness

Person Holding Black Iphone 4

Today’s preteens are more aware of skincare than previous generations, TikTok literally has page dedicated to SKINTOK where people go to find the best, trendiest skincare products.

With more access to social media than previous generations, they’re exposed to a world where self-care and skin health are openly discussed and promoted. This early awareness is driving their interest in brands that offer not just effective solutions but also a sense of personal and environmental responsibility. Drunk Elephant, known for its clean formulas and ethical practices, fits neatly into this growing consciousness among preteens.

The Appeal of Drunk Elephant

drunk elephant
Image Credit: Drunk Elephant

Brand Aesthetics: More Than Just Skin Deep

Drunk Elephant stands out in the crowded skincare landscape with its visually appealing packaging. The brand’s vibrant colors and playful product names are not just a hit with adults; they resonate strongly with preteens.

These design choices make skincare feel fun and exciting, a far cry from the clinical or overly sophisticated aesthetics of many other skincare lines. Drunk Elephant turns a routine into an enjoyable ritual, appealing to the imaginative and vibrant world of preteens.

Marketing That Speaks Their Language

Drunk Elephant’s marketing strategies are perfectly aligned with the interests and values of the preteen audience. The brand utilizes a friendly, approachable tone, avoiding overly technical jargon that can be off-putting or confusing for younger audiences.

Their promotions often emphasize fun, self-expression, and the joy of healthy skin, themes that are particularly resonant with preteens who are beginning to explore their own identities and self-care routines.

Celebrity and Influencer Endorsements

In the world of preteens, influencers and celebrities wield significant influence. Drunk Elephant has successfully collaborated with well-known figures who embody a healthy, positive lifestyle.

These endorsements are not just about promoting products; they serve as testimonials to the brand’s effectiveness and appeal. For a preteen, using the same product as a admired celebrity or influencer can be a powerful motivator, making them feel connected to the personalities they look up to.

Should preteens buy drunk elephant?

toner pads

Drunk Elephant has faced its share of criticisms and controversies. From debates over certain product formulations to pricing concerns, the brand has had to navigate through various issues that could potentially impact its reputation among preteens and their parents.

More importantly, their pricing strategy is being highlighted because they have catered their marketing strategy to entice preteens to buy their products as well. Of course, the people who are really paying for this are their parents, and undeniably some parents are upset with the price of the products their children are asking for these days.

ingredients for preteens to stay away from

Retinol is the most discussed ingredient that preteens should definitely stay away from. Retinol is an anti-aging ingredient that was made to help the skin cell turnover increase, and it is highly unlikely that a preteen would be dealing with wrinkles at their age.

Acids, AHAs, BHAs, PHAs. Anything to do with acids and exfoliating, should not be a top priority for preteens. These have to do with getting rid of old skin, reducing pore size, and overall things that our skin only experiences when we start hitting our 20s.

Instead moisturizers and sunscreen are more basic skincare products that you can introduce to your child.


As much as many of us dislike having to compete with preteens for products in the stores, we aren’t able to control their buying choices. Instead we can help them to navigate the best products for their age and find out what they are trying to solve by buying these products.

Are they looking to be part of community at school? Keep up with the trends? Or do they actually have a skincare concern that they want to resolve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should preteens be buying Drunk Elephant?

Drunk Elephant’s products are known for their clean ingredients and are generally considered safe. However, it’s important for parents to oversee their preteen’s skincare choices, ensuring the products are appropriate for their young skin. Consulting a dermatologist for personalized advice is always a good practice.

What makes Drunk Elephant different from other skincare brands popular with preteens?

Drunk Elephant stands out due to its commitment to clean, non-toxic ingredients and its unique marketing approach that resonates well with the preteen demographic. The brand combines quality skincare with fun, visually appealing packaging, and engages with its audience through effective social media strategies, making it a popular choice among preteens.

How does Drunk Elephant engage with the preteen audience on social media?

Drunk Elephant developed a interactive approach with preteens on social media by creating Q&A sessions, challenges and visually appealing content tailored to this demographic.

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